Monday, January 14, 2008

If You Had An Animal Tail What Kind Would It Be?

It has come to my attention that one of the most important topics of our time has gone unnoticed. If you had an animal tail what kind would it be? The fate of the world may be decided by this one question. Choose your tail wisely.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Conservative Challenge: The Best Presidential Candidate.

Below is a link to a website that has a list of all of the presidential candidates, and their pictures, in the United States.

Which is your favorite.

Prepare to defend yourself and your favorite Candidate.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Conservative Challenge: The Best Video Game System Of All Time

This is your first Challenge I hope you are prepared:

What is the best Video Game System of all time? Microsoft X-Box 360, Nintendo Wii, or PlayStation 3.

The gauntlet has been thrown down who will arise victorious... Remember Ninjas, You can make your arguments based on graphics, the amount of fun each game system provides, or anything under the sun. Make sure to base your arguments with facts, otherwise another Ninja is liable to cut down your argument.

Welcome to Conservative Chat

This is not a Blog for the weak of spirit! Welcome to the online world of Ninjas! This is the blog were people everywhere come to debate things such as current events, video games, art, fine literature, music, and well... pretty much anything under the sun. That's why the name of this Blog is Ninja Chat, the topics are random and surprising.

This Blog is for those who have comments to make, who are willing to support their arguments with cold hard facts, and who are willing to fight it out to the death… Exactly what you are going to argue about? Well, only you can answer that. Build an undeniable reputation on this website about any topic, create alliances, take down rival Ninjas who may disagree with you. (Not literally, of course.)

So you think you can take it? Go ahead, take the Ninja challenge. You can leave comments where ever you please, start by creating a Secret Identity that you will use on this blog with consistency. It will be tough but slowly you will make your way through the ranks and emerge as a Master of debate.

Go ahead, go have fun, debate, and Blog your way to victory!